Fresh pears
Variety pera de agua / blanquilla
The taste is very juicy and sweet ...
100% organic
Like all our fruits untreated and packed directly after harvest
It is medium or small and has a smooth, fine, shiny and greenish skin.
Their flesh is white, very juicy and pleasant, with a very small heart ...
Her taste is sweet and refreshing ...
100% organic
Like all our fruits untreated and packed directly after harvest
The pear is also a supplier of many important minerals such as
• iron
• potassium
• copper
• iodine
• Magnesium
• Phosphate and zinc ...
Due to the high content of potassium, the fruit has a dehydrating effect and relieves kidney and bladder problems ...
As with apples, most of the vitamins in pears are under the skin ...
Our order process:
Orders received and paid by us until 12.30pm on Thursdays will be harvested on these days and shipped on Fridays so you will receive your package on Tuesday.
-Packages to Germany up to 20 kilos volume under 39 € purchase value come shipping costs in the amount of 14,30 € per package
(This rule does not apply to pre-packaged or mixed packages)
- packages to Germany up to 20 kilos volume I ship from 39 € purchase value carriage paid,
(This rule does not apply to pre-packaged or mixed packages)
(Island surcharge 9,50€)
- (Express surcharge within Germany 3.50 € per package DPD guarantees that the goods arrive Tuesday to 18.00 clock.)
- Packages to Germany up to 40 kilos volume I ship from 78 € purchase value freight prepaid
(This rule does not apply to pre-packaged or mixed packages)
(Island surcharge 2 x 9.50 €)
- Shipping costs to Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Poland, England, Holland and Denmark are 6.90 € per 20 Kg package volume from an order value of 39 €